Private: European Mobility Grants

Call for grants 2012-2013

The grant’s financial support consists on help which the beneficiary may use as living and accommodation expenses, as also as travel expenses to and from the country.

The exact amount of Leonardo subsidy for 26 weeks depends on the destination country, as shown on the following table:

País de acogida Beca País de acogida Beca
Alemania 3.182 Islandia 3.691
Austria 3.582 Italia 3.788
Bélgica 3.378  Letonia 2.640
Bulgaria 2.232 Lituania 2.623
Chipre 2.986 Luxemburgo 3.382
Croacia 3.198 Malta 2.797
Dinamarca 4.580  P. Bajos 3.577
Eslovaquia 2.797 Polonia 2.600
Eslovenia 3.198 Portugal 2.980
Estonia 2.620 R. Checa 2.990
Finlandia 4.181 R.Unido 4.592
Francia 3.973 Rumania 2.423
Grecia 3.202 Suecia 4.182
Hungría 2.831 Turquía 2.874
Irlanda 3.774    

The destinations of the grants depend, in every instance, on the availability of each of the countries. 

Additionally to this amount, the companies can voluntarily assign extra help for the people benefiting. This help can be in money or in kind.

Round-trip ticket

The people benefiting should buy their own travel tickets and keep the proof of purchase (boarding pass, tickets, etc.)


The grant holders will have to look for their own accommodation in the country of destination. As far as possible, they will count on the guidance of ADEIT’s management team and with the collaboration of the host company. 


´The grants financial support includes the cost of an insurance which ADEIT hires for the grant holder. It covers accidents, civil liability and travel assistance. The insurance’s costs will be deducted from the grant’s economical amount. Regardless of the subscription of this policy, the grant holder has to apply for the European Health Insurance Card or for the equivalent coverage if he/she has a private medical insurance.


Payment methods

The payment of the grant will be made by bank transfer in three installments: within 45 days from the entry into force of the relevant contract, 80% of the amount will be paid in two different payments.  The remaining 20% will be paid in the 45 days, after the reception of the final report and the documentary evidence of expenditures.