
MOTIVEM is a training program developed by the University of Valencia in collaboration with ADEIT, its University-Business Foundation, and the direction of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Employment and Training Services. Its objective is to support the effort of the teaching staff, stimulating the creativity of the students and coordinating the development of team ideas.

An academic council made up of professors from the University of Valencia supports the implementation of this initiative.

Participation in the program is free for the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana and “la Caixa” Foundation, through the CaixaBank Social Action area.

Teaching staff and students, an innovative creative tandem

To facilitate this work in the classroom MOTIVEM organized a School for teaching staff. As a result, they coordinate teams of students who generate and develop their ideas and present them in a standardized format. In this way, students have a channel to develop and express their academic knowledge and also their transversal skills such as creativity, teamwork, negotiation and communication. This will help them in their academic work and in their professional future after graduation. And also they get 2 credits for their participation in this activity. The competition MOTIVEM team ideas encourage them to participate in this initiative. The whole process makes good our slogan “Teaching staff and students, an innovative creative tandem”.